Take a dog on a trip to the beach

Illustration : "Voyager avec son chien à la mer"

you’re going to the seaside for vacation. Is your dog going too? Generally speaking, dogs like to go to the beach! They had a good time! Jump into the waves, run behind seagulls, dig holes in the sand, explore rocks and look for crabs… Our four limbs friends have a lot of activities.

spend a day with your dog on a quiet beach, Here are some practical suggestions that you can read or read to make the most of it once on site!

is going to sea for vacation: before my dog

and I find a suitable destination and accommodation, you must first find a dog friendly resort. It’s not always easy to find a camp, hotel or self-service apartment that welcomes dogs. Voltetonchien.com is the world’s first website to take a dog on vacation. It is specially designed for dog lovers who take a dog on vacation.

here you can find thousands of dog friendly dog accommodation addresses, Activities shared with your pets during the vacation, and of course, a list of all dog friendly beaches where you can enjoy the sea with your dog. Many beaches prohibit dogs in summer and even all year round. You want to see where you decide to go on vacation. The beach will allow your dog to leave the beach.

a small hole? You can also find a list of restaurants where your dog will also be popular online.

some precautions for taking your dog to the beach

in order to enjoy a beautiful beach day with your dog,


are the same as us, Dogs are sensitive to heat stroke and heatstroke. So, to prevent this from happening, you should fill your dog’s fish tank with cold water regularly and apply sunscreen occasionally, especially if it has pink truffle! Of course, avoid going to the beach during the hottest time and make sure it can always hide in the shade under the umbrella. Please note that the sand may be very hot because of its mat.

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dogs are usually thought to swim instinctively… This is wrong! Like us, some dogs will soon feel comfortable in the water, and some dogs will be completely panicked. According to the wave, ocean current, water temperature, fatigue… When your dog puts one leg in the water, pay close attention to avoid disaster. Don’t let your dog swim unattended. To be safe, you can give him a dog life jacket.

when you come back from the beach, your dog must take a bath. Like us, salt can irritate your dog’s skin. Wash eyes and ears carefully to avoid conjunctivitis and otitis media. The last precaution of


is to carefully collect all dog feces, whether on the beach or elsewhere. In order for our dog to be accepted on as many beaches as possible, we must keep it clean!

goes to sea with a dog: what’s the plan? Don’t forget to pack your dog before you and your dog go to the beach for vacation!

of course, you must carry the latest health notebook and all vaccines, as well as a seat belt or necklace with a medal identifying your dog and a belt for walkingTravel games or dog gourd, because who says the beach is warm in summer! You can also prepare a cool carpet or a cool vest for him to avoid heatstroke.

if you plan to do water activities with him, don’t forget his dog life jacket.

and his dog do some activities when they are on vacation at sea

and, Best of all, you can practice some activities with your dog to spend a top marine holiday:


also read: take a train with his dog

boating activities: if your dog likes water, you can paddle, canoe or ride a bicycle with him! You will find that you will have a good time! Games played on the beach: playing the waves, digging holes on the beach, carrying frisbees, running behind seagulls, looking for crabs under rocks…

in this way, you only need to bring beach towels and swimsuits, Go to the beach on vacation with your dog! Please consider sharing your best holiday memories with #ementonchien on instagram! “Kdspe

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