The members of a refuge team up and offer a hundred handmade beds to their protégés

To improve the daily life of dogs at a shelter in Arizona, dozens of volunteers have responded to the call of an American association.

The life of a dog at the shelter is not the same as what he should have in a house, within a family . However, the volunteers and employees who work in the reception structures do what they can to help the four-legged residents to feel surrounded and loved. This is the case with this group of volunteers brought together by Jill Smyros , founder of the association Step Up USA .

The idea was to support the Animal Care and Control Center in Maricopa County , located in Phoenix , Arizona, and make the dogs living there a little more comfortable .

Jill Smyros therefore asked the inhabitants of Gilbert , still in Arizona, and the surrounding towns, to make raised beds for these canines. Many people responded to the call and $ 2,000 was collected, which made it possible to purchase the equipment needed to make 100 beds , reports The Dodo .

The next step was to build the said beds. The founder of Step Up USA made her home available to volunteers who, to her surprise, were around a hundred to come to her home. People of all ages, children, adolescents and adults, helped each other to complete the manufacture of beds , which were then installed at the refuge.

Read also: A video shows a Husky being abandoned on the side of the road before being adopted

The dogs loved their new beds. As soon as they saw them, they jumped on them, wagging their tails in approval.


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