The photo of this dog has gone viral, it’s all a matter of point of view!

The photo of an apparently “headless” 3-legged dog surprised and shocked many people. Eventually the owner of the animal came forward and things became much clearer as a result.

Almost a year ago, an Imgur user posted a photo that generated a lot of reaction on the net. When you see the cliché, there is indeed something to be confused about . Here is the image in question:

This post has totaled over 143,000 views and over 3,000 upvotes on the image hosting platform, as reported by Bored Panda .

Upon viewing the photo, one has the impression of seeing a dog with a missing paw and which, instead of the head , has stitches . The sight is truly baffling .

Many Internet users have had fun photoshoping it, adding eyes, a nose and ears.

Another , slightly more serious Imgur user posted a drawing explaining that he thought it was just a dog trying to lick or nibble on the part of his body opposite to the angle of view.

Read also: The funny and moving video of a dog realizing that his master does not fill his bowl and puts him on a diet

Much later, the owner of the canine in question eventually came forward. He published another photo of the animal to prove that he had a head … And at the time of the first photo, his right front leg had just been amputated , hence the stitches. Details that put an end to speculation.

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