The social network for animal care Mon Bibou, in the running for a contest of the best solidarity ideas

Illustration : "Le réseau social pour la garde d'animaux

The social network dedicated to the care of animals Mon Bibou is now one of the potential winners of La Fabrique Aviva. To be among the big winners of this competition, the project must collect a maximum of votes.”

My Bibou now has more than 11,000 users seduced by this unique concept. It is, in fact, the first free and solidarity social network for the care of pets.”

This platform makes it possible to connect the owners of dogs, cats and other companions on the one hand, and people willing to ensure their care voluntarily. All in a spirit of solidarity and respect for animal welfare.”

In addition, thanks to the solidarity contribution set up by Mon Bibou in November 2020, financial assistance is provided to small animal protection associations. Thus, thanks to this initiative, 2 donations have already been made.”

An approach that is both innovative and mutual aid, which recently earned Mon Bibou to be selected by La Fabrique Aviva among the projects that can access the voting phase and regional competitions.”

” The votes are open, My Bibou needs your support

The Aviva Factory is a great competition at the end of which the best social, solidarity and useful entrepreneurial ideas are rewarded. The regional juries choose the big winners from each region, allowing 15 projects to win the sum of 60,000 euros each.”

The general public can vote from now until February 9 at 12:00 for the project of their choice. To do this, voters are invited to create an account on the platform before submitting their votes.”

Read also: These Chihuahuas without front legs receive the perfect gift to move normally (video)

To help Mon Bibou to be one of the winners and thus to develop its solidarity approach, it is enough to distribute 10 votes to the Mon-Bibou project on the competition platform.”

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