The SPA and Gobi launch a customizable limited edition water bottle for the benefit of the animals of the association

Illustration : "La SPA et Gobi lancent une gourde personnalisable en édition limitée au profit des animaux de l’association"

The Society for the Protection of Animals and the eco-friendly gourd brand Gobi are joining forces to offer a limited edition model, which can be customized with the image of your dog or cat. Part of the profits made from the sale will be donated to the SPA to help it take care of its animals.”

Known for its commitment to ecology, as well as for the design, practical, sustainable and 100% made in France character of its water bottles, the Gobi brand kicks off the partnership that binds it to the SPA in the most beautiful way.”

Pioneer of the reusable gourd, Gobi is launching a limited edition model, customizable and 50% of the funds will be donated to the benefit of the animals of the SPA.”

Buyers will have the opportunity to customize their Gobi Original online by embellishing it with the photo of their pet. This is also a first for the brand, which wishes to support the Society for the Protection of Animals and help it continue its work.”

Through this approach, Gobi also intends to make its contribution to the fight against abandonment, as well as to the promotion of responsible adoption and possession.”

” Switch to reusable and help the animals of the SPA

Eco-designed, entirely made in France and assembled in ESAT (Establishment and service of help through work), gobi gourds are much more than very useful accessories; they convey the conviction of the founders of the brand that our planet needs more than ever that we adopt the right reflexes. One of them is to switch to reusable thanks to 100% positive and accessible products.”

The Gobi community is now nearly a million and a half people and organizations that have opted for reusable, and this, in 11 years of existence.”

The customizable Gobi water bottles in limited edition, in partnership with the SPA, are available for pre-order from June 7 to 24 on the Gobi e-shop.”

Read also: The poignant reunion between an airport employee in a wheelchair and a stray dog who had disappeared

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