This resourceful dog takes the bus on his own to go to the park

Eclipse is a star in Seattle. It is especially famous among city bus users, because of a very particular habit that characterizes it; the bitch takes the bus on her own.

Eclipse, cross dog Labrador Retriever / Mastiff and its owner Jeff Young live in Seattle, Washington State (northwestern US). Their home is very close to a bus station . They used to take public transport together, but one day Eclipse got ahead of his master and got on the bus without him . It has since become a ritual for her.

With her pass attached to the collar , she shows up almost every day at the station and patiently waits for the bus. And when this one arrives, she jumps on board, then goes down 2 or 3 stations further to go to her favorite place: the dog park , of course. Usually, Jeff Young joins her a little later by taking the next bus.

King County authorities say, according to Animal Channel , that dogs are allowed on buses , but the final decision whether or not to accept a pet is at the driver’s discretion. And all drivers, without exception, gladly let Eclipse do its little daily commute, because everyone knows it.

And each time, users are delighted to find it. The dog, warmly welcomed by the passengers who cover her with caresses , sits quietly while waiting to arrive at her destination.

This is shown in the video below, which in fact promotes a mobile application for organizing journeys in public transport. Protagonist of this advertisement, Eclipse takes the bus alone as usual, then visits various places, including a pet store and the must-see park.

Images accompanied by a fun song written especially for her and inspired by “ Who Am I (What’s My Name) ” by rapper Snoop Dogg .

Read also: A couple sacrifices a huge sum to save a Husky from the meat trade (video)


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