Woman Gives Puppies Deemed ‘Inoptable’ Due To Severe Neurological Disease A Chance

When she learned that the 2 puppies she had just rescued had a rare neurological disease, a Texan mother realized that they would have very little chance of finding a home. Hence his decision to adopt them.

Not far from her home in Texas, Christie discovered 2 puppies abandoned with their mother. They were all in bad shape and covered in parasites.

The veterinarian’s diagnosis fell like a cleaver; the 2 young canines, which Christie named Trimble and Twitch , had a developmental defect in the cerebellum (cerebellar hypoplasia). An anomaly resulting in particular in motor disorders. Which reduced to nothing the probability of finding them a family.

Trimble and Twitch / Twitter

Christie didn’t hesitate; she decided to adopt them. Cerebellar hypoplasia or not, they had the right to live like all their congeners. Moreover, she specifies that this disease is not accompanied by pain and does not affect the life expectancy of animals.

Trimble and Twitch / Twitter

The family has adapted to the specific needs of Trimble and Twitch . Everyone at home worked to make things easier for them, with tremors and coordination issues making it difficult for the most mundane things like drinking, eating and walking.

Twitch found it easier to walk. Trimble needed a cart and physiotherapy sessions to strengthen his muscles and learn to coordinate his movements.

Their journey is a lesson and a source of inspiration

Now Twitch is running – which we thought was impossible – and Trimble is running. A miracle, in a way,Christie told Metro .

Trimble and Twitch / Twitter

Read also: By adopting a newborn kitten, a female Doberman Pinscher proves that a mother’s love knows no bounds (video)

She also says she has received support from many other owners of dogs with special needs. A kind of support network that has helped her a lot in her journey with Twitch and Trimble .

Christie is also thankful for her dogs because they are real life lessons they give her every day: “ They are never sad, angry or mean. […] They taught me that no matter what you have in your life, it’s up to you to decide how to deal with it, ”she concludes.


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