Woman suddenly collapses, her dog runs frantically on the beach to get the attention of rescuers

A dog has been hailed as a hero after saving the life of its owner on Saturday July 31. The latter collapsed during a walk, due to health problems. The animal alerted the emergency services in its own way.

A woman in her 40s was walking with her faithful 4-legged companion in Sutton-on-Sea , a village in Lincolnshire , England, when the tragedy happened. She fell suddenly and found herself in an unconscious state. When the dog realized that there was a serious danger looming over his owner, he tried to get the attention of rescuers.

To do this, he ran erratically. Arun Gray , RNLI (Royal National Lifeboat Institution) team leader noticed the canine’s frantic maneuvering on the usually calm beach, Lincolnshirelive reports.

© RNLI / Derry Salter

The dog was very worried

Rescuers immediately took action. Thanks to the dog, they quickly spotted the victim. While the professionals administered oxygen to him, an ambulance contacted beforehand was on the way.

The 40-year-old dropped her phone when it collapsed, a significant detail. Indeed, it contained a note explaining his state of health.

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Arun Gray retrieved the quadruped and sat down beside him to calm him down. As soon as the woman regained consciousness, her furry friend approached her and did not leave her with a sole. The paramedics then took over and allowed the dog to accompany its owner to the hospital.


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