10 hilarious images of dogs puzzled by their siblings’ silliness

As in sibling stories, dogs can also experience the annoying and pushy attitude of an overly playful little brother, as can be seen in these photos.

Since the dawn of time , the little brother and sister have always considered their elders as their personal and favorite toy. A little being full of energy who has only one desire, to play , while the older ones are not always in the mood.

Here are 10 photos of dogs annoyed by their cadets.

1. This Husky bitch has just met the newcomer and she has had enough already

2. The German Shepherd’s gaze displays great concern at the sight of the new recruit because he knows very well what to expect with the energy balls that are the puppies.

3. This poor dog tries to take his pain patiently

4. While one tries to show upstairs in order to reach his owners, the other blocks his access to the stairs.

5. From the first day of his arrival in his new family, this puppy showed his intention to play with his new older brother.

6. This Pyrenean Mountain Dog was not prepared to fall back into childhood

7. A poor pug dog is currently crushed under the weight of his little brother Pitbull who is small in age, but not in size.

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8. This old French Bulldog no longer has his head to frolic in the garden like the new one does.

9. Since a crossbreed American Water Dog and Australian Shepherd came into his life, he can no longer see very clearly

10. This is what the games and fun for puppies with elders consist of


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