An association tries to comfort a skeletal and frightened dog discovered in the street (video)

Extremely thin and struggling to find food at the time of her rescue, Alma is now totally transformed. The dog found a loving family thanks to a team of volunteers.

Despite all her good will, a person living in Romania could not properly feed the stray dogs she was taking in. Among the 14 starving and exhausted canines she housed in a dilapidated garage, a young dog had to struggle daily to survive, as the Animal Channel recounts.

Howl Of A Dog / YouTube

Alma literally had only skin on his bones. It was almost impossible for her to reach the little food the pack received, her larger fellows always serving themselves well before her.

Howl Of A Dog / YouTube

The situation became more and more worrying for Alma , until the intervention of Howl Of A Dog . The association based in Resita , in western Romania, went to the scene as soon as it heard about the little dog’s story.

Saved and placed with a foster family for a new start

For the latter, it was the end of the ordeal. Entrusted to a foster family, that of Oana and Mihai , she fully benefited from their kindness and affection. Patience, love, care and healthy food allowed Alma to make tremendous progress in just 3 weeks.

Howl Of A Dog / YouTube

The bitch was getting better and better, gaining weight and confidence. Oana and Mihai are also very attached to her, they who have won her trust. So much so that they ended up adopting it definitively.

Howl Of A Dog / YouTube

Since then, Alma has led a happy life with her new owners. She fills them with happiness and, every day, shares with them her incredible joie de vivre.

Here is his story in video:

To read also: Pierre Perret is in mourning: the singer mourns the disappearance of his dog Filou

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