Association called for help saves nearly 50 pets and searches for foster families

Having found itself with 49 dogs and cats to take care of, an association based in Ohio launched an appeal for help and donations on social networks. Above all, the shelter needs foster families to place these animals, some of which are sick, and prepare them for adoption.

The waves of abandonment so dreaded by associations, after the craze observed for pets at the height of the health crisis, already seem to be raging in places. The FREEdom Tails Ohio refuge is one of the organizations hard hit by this phenomenon, as evidenced by its appeal for help launched this Sunday, June 27, reports NBC 4i .

This reception structure located in Galloway , in the State of Ohio, has just seen the arrival of a record number of abandoned pets: 49 in total. Distraught with these 37 dogs and 12 cats to house, care for, feed and comfort, she relies on the generosity and solidarity of the public.

April Burnside , the founder of FREEdom Tails Ohio , explains that in 3 years of activity, the association had never taken care of so many canines and felines. She was also forced to transform her art studio into an improvised refuge to place these animals there.

The organization needs more than ever volunteers, donations, but also host families. The idea is to free up places at the same time as preparing these dogs and cats, some of them very young, for adoption.

They are not yet ready to be and must receive hygiene care and treatment. On its Facebook post, FREEdom Tails Ohio specifies that they suffer from skin and ear infections, congenital malformations and various negligence (too long claws, dirty and tangled hair…).

New waves of dropouts to come?

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The dogs rescued by FREEdom Tails Ohio are of very diverse breeds: Welsh Corgi Pembroke, West Highland White Terrier, German Spitz, Poodle, Shih Tzu, Scottish Terrier, Bernese Mountain Dog… Some have already been entrusted to foster families.


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