Buy a dog from a private individual

How to make the right choice when preparing to buy a dog from a private individual? What are the legal provisions to follow? Here are some questions you will probably ask yourself if you are looking to acquire a puppy or an adult dog from an amateur. Overview of traps to avoid and things to know.

In the pet market, the rights and duties of each party are clearly established by law, even when it comes to an exchange between individuals . It is also advisable to take some precautions to avoid any future inconvenience with the animal. Let’s take a look at the main aspects to which you will have to pay particular attention before and during the acquisition.

Some basic tips to make the right choice

We will never stop repeating it: acquiring a dog should never be done on a whim. It is a living being that we are about to welcome at home and not a commodity. His life will be turned upside down, just like yours and that of those around you.

First ask yourself the question of which breed to choose: it does not completely condition the dog’s future behavior , but largely does. Make your choice keeping in mind that the most important is not the physical profile of the dog, but its compatibility with your lifestyle (if you are the active type, your type of housing, your availability, with or without children, the presence of other animals, etc.).

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Gender is also part of the selection criteria. Male or female, each has its advantages and disadvantages. For example, bitches are quite disturbed during their heat , but they are generally less fiery than males. These take longer to reach maturity , but they are larger than their counterparts of the opposite sex.

Even more important is the character and behavior of the dog. To know them, it is recommended to ask the seller as many questions as possible and to plan several visits . A single meeting with the owner and the dog in question is not enough to identify the personality of the latter, whether it is a puppy or an adult. Observe the dog duly, his attitude towards his master and his family. Do not hesitate to ask to take it for a walk in order to see its behavior on a leash, as well as with the people and animals that cross it. Find out about his ancestry , the qualities of his parents, his precise state of health and any specific needs .

Legal provisions: the rights and duties of everyone

It is a question of protecting all the actors of these exchanges: the seller, the buyer and the animal itself.

Ask, at the time of the exchange (and not a posteriori), a certificate of transfer or sale from the former owner, even if he gives you the dog for free. This document, which testifies to a transfer of ownership and responsibility , includes:

Read also: Buying a dog from a breeder

  • the identity and contact details of the seller, as well as yours
  • the date of the assignment
  • description of the animal (breed or type, appearance, sex, date of birth, etc.)
  • its identification (tattoo number or electronic chip)
  • the price.

Also claim the dog’s veterinary certificate. It contains :

  • the description of the animal
  • the list of documents presented to the veterinarian
  • vaccines performed
  • sterilization (if it has been done).

For purebred dogs registered in the LOF (French Book of Origins), ask for a birth certificate mentioning the identity of both parents and ancestors, as well as the birth declaration number. </p

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