Dog like no other, Lol enters the world of justice

It is a common practice across the Atlantic. In France, this is a first. A dog has just been officially named a court assistant dog. He followed a 2-year training in order to be there to help victims, during court hearings, to testify. Very important psychological support.

Great first in France . A dog has just entered the legal sphere. Lol , a black Labrador from Cahors , in the Lot , became the country’s first court assistant dog . All at the request of the prosecutor of Cahors , who thus wishes to open more victims to surrender , and in particular children , during court hearings . An idea that comes directly from the United States and Canada , where the practice is common.

Lol’s mission is childishly simple. He must appease and encourage the victims to give themselves up, to confide . From then on, he takes on the role of a big plush toy that you caress. He turns into a dog of Olympian calm and impressive gentleness . The fact of looking at such a breed is no accident.

Read also: A dog visits the neighbors’ puppy daily to get his massage (video)


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