Heroic dog wakes owner in the middle of the night to assist foal in danger

It is often stories of dogs saving members of their family, during a fire for example, which are relayed. The one that follows is different. When Toffee realized that the birth of a foal was going wrong, she alerted her owner.

Dogs, in addition to being great everyday companions, can become our heroes.

On a farm in the town of Tappen, British Columbia, Toffee performed a remarkable deed. A little before 2 a.m., the quadruped appeared in Marie Hurley’s room , barking. “ I jumped out of bed, she looked at me, and she walked down the stairs, then out into the yard,she told Global News .

The female Boerbull took her owner to a mare who had just given birth. “ I saw the mare had had her foal and was making a horrible noise, so I ran and saw that the amniotic sac hadn’t torn, ” said Marie Hurley . The newborn was choking.

© Marie Hurley

The foal was close to death

Without the intervention of the bitch, the foal would certainly not have survived. For Marie Hurley , her faithful 4-legged companion is a true hero. Thanks to him, a young life was saved.

© Global News (screenshot)

Also read: A dog found frightened in the street only feels safe sleeping in a cardboard box

© Marie Hurley

Today, the equine is doing well and plays all day. He takes advantage of these moments of happiness, which probably would never have been possible without Toffee .


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