Left alone in his master’s car, a dog surprises passers-by by rolling freely for several minutes!

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In Canada, a passer-by witnessed a scene that was surprising to say the least, and, fortunately, of no consequence. A dog was, in fact, alone in a car which rolled freely. Alerted by the witness, the emergency services quickly intervened.

It is dangerous to leave your dog alone in your car, even for a short time. The animal may suffer from the heat and the lack of ventilation in the cabin. However, this is not the only danger that awaits our 4-legged friends, as this incident which occurred this week in Alberta, a province of Western Canada, reminds us.

Unintentionally, a dog has, in fact, brought his master’s car to advance on the road before being taken care of by the emergency services, as reported by Penn Live on Thursday.

The incident took place in one of Edmonton’s western neighborhoods. At around 12:30 p.m., a passer-by witnessed a quite astonishing scene. Before his eyes, a driverless car with a canine as its only passenger was moving slowly and entering the street.

The dog is fine, no damage to be deplored

The witness immediately notified the authorities. Local firefighters were quickly dispatched to the scene. In a matter of minutes, they were able to take control of the situation before it escalated. The vehicle was immobilized and the quadruped rescued. The animal came out unscathed, as did the car for that matter. No damage was observed.

According Brittany Lewchuck, spokesman for firefighters Edmonton (Edmonton Fire Rescue Services), the dog had accidentally put the gear lever in neutral, resulting in the setting of the vehicle motion. The driver and owner of the animal clearly did not activate the parking brake before leaving the car.

A stroke of luck that the dog is safe. The motorist will have to be more careful the next times.

Read also: A disgruntled dog helplessly observes a fox playing with his ball (video)

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