Older dog found after 12 days trapped at the foot of a cliff

The days passed and Sherri Storoshenko still had no news of her Sheba bitch, disappeared on April 1. She was starting to lose hope when a couple called her, thinking they had found the animal.

About ten days after her escape, a senior dog was found by chance, by a young woman and her companion, Maple Ridge-Pitt Meadows News reported on Sunday.

It all started on 1 April. That day , 16-year-old Sheba had moved away from the home of his mistress Sherri Storoshenko in South Surrey , British Columbia (Western Canada), only to reappear.

The more time passed, the more Sheba’s owner lost hope. Then, last Saturday (April 10), someone called her to tell her that she had just found her dog. She didn’t believe it at first. “ I was honestly in disbelief when I got the call, because it had been so long, ” she says.

However, when she arrived at the scene and saw her dog, she “ instantly broke down in tears. I have never cried so much in my life, ”continues Sherri Storoshenko .

The person who spotted and rescued Sheba , with the help of her boyfriend, was Nicole Lunde . She and Cali Martinez had initially planned to go elsewhere. Their change of plan made it possible to save the dog and bring her home, to her family.

It was first about Nicole and Cali going to Crescent Beach on Saturday. At the last moment, they had changed their minds. Their new destination was 1001 Step s Park, near the cliff.

It was at the foot of it, in the middle of a small clearing surrounded by brambles, that the couple saw the dog trapped. They were able to join her, then retrieve her and take her in their car. They were about to take her to a vet when Cali Martinez saw Sherri Storoshenko’s wanted poster on social media. Nicole Lunde immediately contacted her to let her know.

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Sheba’s mistress offered them a reward, but they kindly refused it. “ We’re both animal lovers, we don’t do it for the money. We just wanted to bring their pet home, safe with their family, ”explains Nicole Lunde .

Exhausted, Sheba went back to her basket to rest as soon as she got home. Sherri Storoshenko then took her to the vet, where the dog spent the night. She should be totally over it.


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