Pilarski case: DNA analyzes on dogs have not yet been done, because they are too expensive

Elisa Pilarski / Facebook

The estimate made with the private laboratory requested at the outset having been deemed too high, it was decided to work with other structures for the analysis of DNA samples.

At the beginning of February, the lawyer for the crew master of the Rallye de la Passion minimized the scope of the analyzes of the DNA samples taken from the 62 dogs of the hunting association and the 5 American Staffordshire Terriers of the couple Elisa PilarskiChristophe Ellul . For his part, the public prosecutor of Soissons considers them to be a priority , insofar as they could allow the identification of the dog (s) having fatally bitten the young woman of 29 years old on November 16, 2019 in the forest of Retz (Aisne). .

However, these DNA samples will not reveal their secrets immediately, while they were expected in February. Indeed, as reported by France Info , their analysis has not yet been carried out because of their cost considered high by the courts.

A first private laboratory had been approached, but the estimate provided by the latter amounted to more than 100,000 euros . The investigating judge in Soissons and investigators from the Creil judicial police therefore asked that other laboratories be contacted in the hope of reducing the bill.

More than 3 months after the death of Elisa Pilarski , the case therefore seems to have come to a standstill. Curtis , who accompanied him at the time of the tragedy, is still impounded in Beauvais , in the Oise. Christophe Ellul is fighting to change its structure and in particular has hired a lawyer specializing in animal defense.

Read also: Therapy dogs soothe citizens traumatized by the collapse of a building in Florida

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