Stop his dog from barking

Illustration : "Empêcher son chien d'aboyer" and

it is unnatural and counterproductive to keep dogs quiet. Barking is the nature of our canine friends, but when barking too often, it is difficult to bear and deal with. How to alleviate this behavior disorder?


why do dogs bark? Stop accepting other people’s ideas, react correctly, and take some skills to stop him from barking…

nothing is more natural than a dog barking. In fact, that’s how he expressed his feelings. This shows his happiness in reunion, his excitement in the game, his distrust, hunger or depression when he finds suspicious sports. Barking often can become a problem.

they will bring inconvenience to landlords and neighbors, and sometimes lead to neighborhood conflict. The problem mainly occurs at night or when the animal is at home alone. Therefore, the problem here is not to completely stop the dog barking, but to ensure that its barking does not cause unhappiness.

why does the dog bark? Before

tries to reduce the barking of dogs, it is important to find out why dogs do this. Barking is the natural behavior of our four legged companions. He may notice a variety of reasons.

the dog barks. In fact, when it plays excitedly, when it is happy to see its master again in his absence, no matter how long it lasts. He also barks when he feels hungry or depressed. A dog also barks warning when it detects movements it considers suspicious.

fear, anxiety and boredom are also part of the feeling that led to his excessive barking. Therefore, the response to barking depends on the event causing barking.

stops accepting

. Once the cause of barking is determined, measures should be taken to reduce barking. However, there are some things that should not be done, although it is often recommended.


start with wearing an anti barking electric collar. This device may cause pain, fear and even aggression to the dog. In addition, it has not ruthlessly demonstrated its effectiveness.

receives suggestions from woopets by registering a newsletter. I register your email address collected by woopets, allowing you to receive our news and business offers. When the dog barks too much, excessive punishment and screaming are not one of the recommended attitudes, just the opposite. These reactions may be regarded by animals as a systematic response to barking, usually to attract the attention of the owner. Therefore, it is best to ignore them as long as you are sure that they are not used to indicate danger or important needs.

uses the correct response of

to ensure that your dog has good living conditions: a safe and comfortable place to stay there day and night, A healthy and happy dog is unlikely to shout without a master. Don’t respond to her barking when you get home. You just have to wait a minute, wait for him to calm down, and then go to him. Still needGet used to being alone.

to do this, you can apply the false start method by shaking the key or putting on your coat. These actions are related to the upcoming departure in the dog’s mind. Repeat them several times a day at different times, but don’t leave home. Gradually, when the owner was ready to leave home, the animal was no longer so upset. If you don’t find any improvement, you can still turn to dog behaviorists to solve the problem.


also read: controlling a eating dog

has some skills to stop it from barking… Distract him: if he yells in front of you, distract him, such as asking him to get the ball or lie in the basket. When he obeys, give him candy to reward him. Water gun: a little water is enough to calm the dog, because the dog barks too much, even more than one. Of course, it’s no use spraying him on the ground after he barks for a long time; He will never contact anyone. Lemon grass Necklace: This Anti barking necklace is equipped with a sprayer. Every time a dog barks, it will emit the smell of lemon grass, which is not very popular with our four legged friends.

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