These 14 pictures of dogs with charming smiles will brighten up your day!

Our dog friends have a charming asset that always succeeds. It is obviously their smile that we can see in these photos.

Playful, adorable and super cute, our canine companions have all our love. When they are treated with all the care they deserve, they are then fulfilled and full of life. Which makes them happy creatures with contagious smiles.

Here are 14 photos of dogs with communicative smiles.

2. This German Shepherd dog was very excited to visit her owner at her workplace and take a car ride at the same time.

3. Even when leaving the vet after a slight accident, this dog keeps his good mood

4. This Rottweiler is always happy to be photographed

5. This Golden Retriever has class to spare

6. This adorable puppy has a permanent smile drawn on his face, lined with sparkling, loving eyes.

7. Always delighted to hear his family praise him in his presence

8. With such a happy dog, how could the mood at home not keep up?

9. This adorable little dog even smiles while sleeping and, most importantly, falls asleep while eating.

10. The happiness that this dog expresses when he was adopted in a shelter is touching

11. Other dogs will have a hard time competing with this smile.

12. The smiling eyes of this little bitch won the hearts of her whole family.

Read also: A brave Yorkshire Terrier confronts a coyote to protect his 10-year-old owner (video)

14. An Australian Shepherd puppy that would melt the hearts of any tough guy


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