Treatment of dog fleas

Illustration : "Le traitement des puces chez le chien"

fleas are the most common pests for your dog. They are likely to destroy its life. They sometimes cause severe itching and even allergic reactions. So, how to prevent this infection? How to identify and / or handle it?


what is a chip? How to diagnose fleas on your dog? How to deal with fleas? Clean up your home

sometimes, during several rides in your backyard and a daily outing in the wild, your dog will catch a damn flea! A small problem can lead to serious problems if fast processing is not applied.

what is a chip?

you should know that adult fleas feed on your dog. When it stabs a dog, it feeds on its own blood. Then you will feel the symptoms: your dog bites, scratches, and even bleeding. This is the first time that itching rages on your partner’s skin.

for more information, female fleas can lay up to 40 eggs (half a millimeter long) a day. These eggs fall directly on your floor (floor, carpet, etc.) and even on your bedding.

then they hatch into larvae for 1 to 10 days until they reach adult size and stick to your dog’s skin again. Therefore, this is a vicious circle. If this problem is not fundamentally solved, it may be endless.

in addition, when they eat dog blood, allergies are caused by flea transmitted saliva. “How does

diagnose fleas in dogs? Not all fleas, even adults, are visible to the naked eye. They are on your dog’s back and tail. If you have any questions, go out of the garden or your home and take a fine comb. If your dog’s fur is short,


are difficult to find fleas at first because they move quickly in your dog’s fur. Pay attention to warning signs such as

persistent itching, red skin, bite, back scratch, hair loss and / or scab

you can also use a fine comb to distinguish adult fleas on short haired dogs.

“KDSPS “Otherwise, there will be an unstoppable solution. Just check your partner’s skin, especially near the tail. If he is infected, you will find a small group of black feces. This is flea droppings. To determine this, put them in water or on a white handkerchief. Their blood will turn the water pink or the handkerchief red. How does

treat fleas?

for low infection, anti flea products (aerosol, spray) or tablets provided by pet stores are available locally. Some drugs are available only to your veterinarian and only if traditional products prove ineffective.

treat systemic infections, The products whose function has proved to be absolutely correct and complete are those containing one molecule that kills adults and another molecule that prevents eggs / larvae and pupae from developing into adults.

let’s review the different ways to eradicate fleas in your dog and your environment:

Receive suggestions from woopets by registering for a newsletter. I register your email address collected by woopets, allowing you to receive our news and business offers. To learn more, you can brush your dog with a fine comb. This is, DThe first step is to remove as many fleas from the dog’s fur as possible in a very natural way without using any products. Brush outdoors or in the bathtub. Then, buy a chip comb (5-20 euros). The effectiveness of this procedure remains limited. On the contrary, it is a preventive measure.

after brushing and cleaning. Put your dog in the water. Her hair and skin are more receptive to another product. Wash your dog with water and insecticidal shampoo. There are also insecticide sprays that can spray all fleas on dogs. However, their use is more complex because they conform to mathematical mechanisms. This may be part of it. These processes are relatively effective because they work only on the surface.

spray or shampoo, as well as other insect killing products, such as anti flea necklace, foam or powder. But their curative effects are relatively poor. Like a necklace, it mainly deals with fleas around its neck. The same problem, these devices only work on the surface.

anti chip pipette. Although their efficiency is becoming more and more satisfactory, there are different models. On a specific point (point) or a complete line (point) on the dog, the application must be observed. It must be carefully applied to the skin, not to the hair. On the contrary, the product may drip onto the dog’s hair, which is completely ineffective. Your dog can also take pills. There are several types, from immediate action to sustained action. The effectiveness of treatment depends on whether it is easy to enter the animal’s blood, because fleas die through the combination of blood intake and treatment. In any case, this is one of the most effective solutions to permanently eliminate chips. For more information about risks and side effects, please contact your veterinarian. Cleaning up your home

and taking care of your only dog makes no sense if you forget your home. Flea larvae bounce between your floor, bedding, sofa, carpet and living room slats.

also reads: how to reduce dog itching?

check your whole home. We need a clean-up. The only answer is vacuum. Suck up all four corners of a house or apartment. Every square centimeter shall be checked. Wash your sheets and your dog’s basket. Don’t ignore the base and dark places, especially fleas. If your dog travels with you, your car also needs treatment.


, and then use pesticides such as special sprays (10-30 euros). After treatment, be sure to ventilate your house to avoid poisoning. Repeat this cleaning as long as your dog is treated. This will be the only condition for permanently eliminating any flea traces in your home. However, please note the recurrence and seek advice from your veterinarian for a personalized solution. “

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