Veterinarian Uses 3D Printer To Fix Shih Tzu’s Deformed Jaw

Poppet was born with a deformed jaw, preventing her from eating properly for years. Fortunately, a veterinarian lent her a helping hand. He proposed a modern solution.

According to the Metro newspaper, Poppet’s lower jaw malformation is the result of inbreeding. She was too small to hold back her tongue, which was hanging out all the time. For 8 years, the female Shih Tzu encountered difficulties in feeding and grooming.

© Ryk Botes / SWNS

And that’s not all: Poppet has a heavy, painful past behind her … Her owner, Daphne Harrigan , who adopted her a few years earlier, speculated that the bitch was used for illegal puppy breeding . Today, she is doing everything to make life better for her adorable 4-legged friend.

© Ryk Botes / SWNS

The surgery changed Poppet’s life

© Ryk Botes / SWNS

Although this operation turns out to be unusual and complex, the expert succeeded in improving the bitch’s living conditions. The latter has a brand new jaw, which finally allows him to eat normally.

Read also: The gymnast, Aly Raisman, Olympic gold medalist, finds her missing dog and pays tribute to his rescuers

© Ryk Botes / SWNS

Today, Poppet enjoys excellent health and fully appreciates all the food she can slip into her little tummy.


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