15 photos of loving dogs addicted to kisses

Dogs express their affection in different ways, including giving kisses. Discovering these photos where they do this is pure happiness.

To communicate with each other, dogs use a variety of body language elements. In particular, they can give each other what, in a logic of anthropomorphism, we tend to call kisses.

This way our four-legged friends give little nudges or lick their counterparts is both a manifestation of tenderness and appeasement. They do this to express their attachment, but also to show that they have no hostile intentions and that their fellow creature inspires them with confidence.

We thus see canines act in this way with regard to their mother, for example, but also other dogs that they like. In any case, these are always exchanges full of tenderness.

Here are 15 photos of affectionate dogs who love to give and receive kisses …

1. A last kiss before departure

2. Obviously, she doesn’t really like seeing him take an interest in other bitches and does everything to get his attention.

3. This is how they say hello to each other every morning

4. A puppy’s love for its mother and vice versa

5. The spirit of Christmas has indeed taken hold of them

6. Nothing like a kiss to warm the heart when it’s cold

7. An image overflowing with affection and serenity

8. This little Siberian Husky never misses the chance to remind his mother how much he loves her

9. A lot of tenderness between a bitch and her cub, here too

10. They are happy to meet again

11. A kiss before the nap

12. They are inseparable and often show their attachment through kisses.

13. This German Shepherd and this young Dalmatian adore each other

Read also: A famous photographer gives up her career to treat sick dogs in the forest

14. This is how he wakes him up from his nap.

15. These Labrador Retrievers can always count on each other for mutual comfort.


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