A family saved from a gas leak thanks to a dog’s flair!

Fox 6 News

In the United States, a dog may have saved the life of his owners and, of course, his own after drawing their attention to a gas leak. It was the unusual symptoms that got them hooked.

Dogs outperform many ultra complex and high performance machines. A canine living in Michigan proved it, but did not act voluntarily.

It all started on Tuesday, February 4. Diane Smith’s dog Rascal was behaving strangely that day , as reported by Fox 6 News . He seemed extremely tired and much less active than usual. His mistress had realized this by calling him from the kitchen. The quadruped had hung around before it appeared, then when it got into the room it collapsed .

Worried, her owner tried in vain to figure out what was wrong. She handed him a cheese treat that he usually couldn’t resist, but he turned it down . Rascal was taken to the vet , who however found nothing abnormal.

Upon returning home, the dog resumed showing signs of depression . This time around, Diane Smith spoke to a friend, whose husband raised the possibility of a carbon monoxide leak . A hypothesis to which she did not really adhere, because she had a gas detector and it had not been triggered .

Despite her skepticism, she called in a technician. It turned out that the boiler in the house was damaged and that gas was indeed emanating from it. It was a small-scale leak; not large enough to trigger the alarm, but sufficient to affect the dog and give rise to the symptoms he has displayed.

Unintentionally, Rascal played the role of the alarm . Without him, the problem could have worsened with far more damaging consequences.

Read also: A benevolent Labrador helps a dog to manage her car sickness

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