A team of firefighters, divers and water rescuers intervene to save a dog from a frozen lake

Last weekend, a team of firefighters and divers intervened in the icy waters of Lake Madine, in the Meuse, to rescue a dog. The Golden Retriever had fallen into the water, the layer of ice having broken under its paws.

Last Saturday (February 13), Orus and his owners spent a pleasant afternoon on the shores of Lake Madine , in Heudicourt-sous-les-Côtes (55), but their walk took a bad turn.

As reported by L’Est Républicain , the dog ventured a little too far onto the frozen layer covering the surface of the artificial body of water. Arrived about fifty meters from the shore, the ice broke under its weight and the Golden Retriever found itself trapped in water at 3 ° C.

His masters immediately called for help . The latter quickly arrived on the scene. The rescue team was made up of firefighters from the Commercy , Saint-Mihiel and Verdun rescue centers, as well as a specialist in water rescue in particular.

The dog safe and sound thanks to the mobilization and speed of the firefighters

After deploying their equipment, the firefighters moved cautiously over the ice sheet and in the cold water, until they reached the dog. They then secured him and brought him safely back to dry land.

The Vigneulles firefighters recovered Orus , before returning him to his family, relieved and grateful.

Read also: A disgruntled dog helplessly observes a fox playing with his ball (video)

A month earlier, on January 12, a similar operation had been carried out in the same lake, again according to L’Est Républicain . A dog, but also his mistress who was trying to rescue him, found themselves in icy water before being rescued.


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