An association supported by Jennifer Aniston manages to rescue a hundred dogs from an unsanitary housing where they were locked

In California, an organization had to rescue a hundred totally neglected dogs. They lived with a lady who had let herself be overwhelmed by the situation. They are all treated while waiting to find new families for them.

The Wagmor Pet Hotel & Spa is a luxury pet boarding house in Los Angeles , but also an organization that rescues dogs and cats in distress . Jennifer Aniston and Ellen DeGeneres had already adopted there . Usually, its volunteers take care of 5 to 6 stray or abandoned animals per week . So when they had to collect and take care of 100 dogs who were living in appalling conditions , they found themselves faced with an almost insurmountable challenge . However, they are determined to come to the aid of these suffering canines.

The Wagmor team did not expect to make such a discovery when they intervened in a mobile home in Bakersfield , Southern California, on December 9. He had been told about fifteen dogs to be saved.

Arriving there, the owner of the pension Melissa Bacelar was shocked . There were 6-7 times as many dogs living in and around the home. Dirt everywhere, lifeless bodies of dogs, an unbearable smell … The atmosphere was unbreathable at all levels. The interior of the mobile home was just as unlivable , reports the Daily Mail .

The resident went out to meet Melissa Bacelar . She explained to him that she started by saving a few dogs from wandering and ended up losing control of the situation. She agreed to let the organization take care of the animals.

Melissa Bacelar took as many dogs as she could. 2 other members of Wagmor came to pick up the rest the next day.

Read also: The moving reunion after 7 months of separation between a man and his dog who disappeared during a fireworks display (video)

All of the quadrupeds were examined and started to receive treatment . The Wagmor Pet Hotel & Spa has launched a fundraiser to be able to finance the veterinary costs, drugs , food and everything necessary for their care. Once the animals have recovered, they can be offered for adoption .

A solution will also have to be found for their former mistress , whose health is endangered by her living conditions . The establishment also promises to do something to help him.


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