Choosing a medium-sized dog

An average dog is generally rated at a height of 30 to 60 cm at the withers. You have often heard that a medium-sized dog is ideal for taking your first master steps. Small dogs are often temperamental, and large dogs require a lot of space, maintenance and exercise. What about the reality?

When choosing and adopting your dog, you wonder about the size he should be according to your tastes, your home, the land you own, and his needs.

An average dog’s house

Choosing an average dog gives you the option of living in an apartment or a house with a small garden. Be careful, your friend should not feel suffocated by the lack of space.

If he is too cramped, he risks multiplying stupidities despite his education. Chewing on furniture and armchairs, biting shoes, urinating, barking. As many warning messages that your dog sends you.

The food

The medium-sized dog will need an average amount of food that is low in fat and sugar. Of course, this varies from breed of average dog to breed and depending on sporting habits. For example, your schapendoes will not have the same needs if he walks 2 hours a day in the neighborhood by your side or if he runs 5 hours daily while you run, bike, hunt or even if you throw at him a toy.

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The sport

Precisely, if you choose an average dog, it will have higher athletic needs than a smaller dog. Be aware, however, that you will be able to exercise him almost as much as a large dog. Average dogs adapt much more easily to their owner’s physical activity .

Either way, unless you have open ground your dog will need at least 3 walks a day .

The game and the children

The average dog is the perfect playmate for children . He is well proportioned so as not to fear their clumsy assaults or crush them by his too large size. Be careful not to leave a child alone with your dog.

Read also: Choosing a big dog

Choosing a dog, whatever its size, is not done lightly. Before you decide, take stock of what you can and cannot do for your dog. Take stock of how much time you can give it. Dogs of all breeds and sizes need your presence , but the bigger a dog the more they are going to claim you.


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