Teach his dog to swim

Illustration : "Apprendre à son chien à nager"

swimming is not natural for dogs, although most dogs have this reflex of moving in the water with their claws. This is a gradual process. Your company, understanding and encouragement contribute to this learning.


is a dog a natural swimmer? Where can I teach him to swim? How to adapt to water? Like humans, some dogs are better at swimming than others. They are more likely to evolve and move in the element of water. Regardless of their tendency, all dogs can learn to swim. All you have to do is accompany them in the learning process, let them take their time and always be in a good mood. How to teach his dog to swim? Some of our suggestions can help you do this. Are

dogs born swimmers?

dogs are not born with the ability to swim. Although some people are much more comfortable in the water than others and have more facilities for learning to swim, they must go through the early stages of this learning. Simply put, some dogs get there faster than others.

the ratio of dogs to water is different from ours. So is their perception of depth. You have to get your four legged partner used to this element. Where does

teach him to swim?

of course, choosing a bright water area for your dog’s first contact with water is counterproductive and even dangerous. In fact, this current may be too strong for the animal, even cause trauma to it, and make this experience bad for your dog. Receive suggestions from woopets by registering for a newsletter. I register your email address collected by woopets, allowing you to receive our news and business offers. To learn more about

, it’s best to choose a quiet river, lake or shallow dog swimming pool. First of all, you should make sure that dogs are not allowed in this place. How does

adapt it to water?

once you choose an ideal place to start swimming, it will be a problem for you to get used to contact with water.

the most important thing is to connect this experience with the positive events in your dog’s mind. In order to do this, you must set an example by soaking your feet in water and encouraging him to join you. Give him some time to reach in and familiarize himself with this element. After a few minutes, you can motivate him with a ball or a floating toy. Throw the object a few inches away from him, get him close and grab him. Don’t throw it too far to discourage it.


also read: educate his dog to click

to guide it into the water.

gradually enters the water to a greater depth, just enough to stop the dog from standing. Some dogs instinctively move their paws to swim. Others will struggle and soon get tired and swallow water. If your hand has difficulty floating, please do not hesitate to help it: put one hand in front of your chest and the other under your abdomen. Watch its progress. If you find it floating and swimming by itself, let it rest for a while.

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Other names: Dalmatian, Dalmatinski Pas 3.7 / 5 22 reviews Navigation The Dalmatian is a very popular dog, known throughout the world and particularly in


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